Author Archives: ulvi

Grow new phone numbers

Grow likes modern solutions in both accounting and its surroundings. Fax and landline are history for us today. We switched to modern technology and started using the Elisa Ring service. As a user of this service, it doesn't matter which phone number or device you use for work. We will only use mobile phones from now on. By calling our general number +372 5629 3090, it is possible to forward the call to your […]

Accounting guidelines

The need for financial professionals has grown significantly in Dublin. In the coming years, Robert Walters also predicts high demand, especially in the field of internal auditors and regulatory compliance accounting. Employees with strong analytical skills are in demand – people with a background in pure mathematics, statistics and other quantitative sciences find work well in finance. The same direction is also in Estonian accounting. The accounting of the future is increasingly heading […]

Training on the ski hill

The inclusion/exclusion of trainings and assignments in the company's expenses must be carefully considered. In particular, consider whether and how much of the leisure time is included and whether this will lead to additional costs. It is certainly not an argument to say that company X spends all its ski vacations. But at the same time, it would also be wrong to say that all seminars outside the workplace should be taxed as a special benefit. Here […]

Taxation of sick pay

Haiguspäevade hüvitamise maksustamine osas, mis puudutab tööandja poolt tehtavaid väljamakseid, on jäänud paljudele segaseks. Lisame mõned täpsustavad selgitused. Tööandja peab maksma 4-st kuni 8-nda haiguspäevani töötajale hüvitist  70% keskmisest palgast. Hüvitis maksustatakse vaid tulumaksuga.  Sotsiaal-, kogumipensioni- ja töötuskindlustuse makseid sellelt hüvitiselt ei maksta. Täpsustuseks seadusele: töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse seadus (TTOS) § 122 samas lubab tööandjal maksta hüvitist […]

GGI European Conference

Grow Finance participated in the GGI European conference, the aim of which is to increase cooperation between accounting firms from different countries. The conference took place on April 21-24 in Warsaw. Nenad Pacek gave a very inspiring macroeconomic overview of the direction in which the world economy is moving. He currently advises global business leaders in more than 380 different international companies. He is the founder and president of Global Success Advisors. He was for 20 years at The Economist Group […]

Proposals to the Director General of Statistics.

At the end of January, a meeting took place with the Director General of Statistics Estonia, where I conveyed the ideas that you wanted to change in the collection of statistical data. Thanks to everyone who submitted their suggestions. The main topic was the poor transmission of statistical data and, as a result, the further plans of Statistics Estonia. In all likelihood, fines will be applied for non-submission of reports. The latter definitely causes headaches for data providers, especially due to the unreasonable deadlines and the collected information [...]

Grow accounting services with AAA credit rating.

Grow accounting services in AAA credit rating class. We got a nice surprise today when Bisnode Estonia sent us a certificate in which Grow Finance was recognized as having the highest AAA credit rating in 2015. One of Grow Finance's main roles besides accounting is financial consulting. Therefore, I believe that such a certificate of our activities adds confidence that Grow is also able to provide high-quality financial support to other companies. Grow' le [...]

Simplifying invoice sales in accounting.

Grow soovib koostöös Investlyga hakata pakkuma oma raamatupidamise klientidele arvete müügi integreeritud lahendust. Arvete müümise teenus sobib eelkõige pikaajaliste maksetähtaegadega firmadele, kes soovivad raha kiiremini kätte saada. Vestlesime Investlyga nende uuest teenusest ja uurisime, kuidas arvete müük saab  ettevõttele kasulik olla. Mis on Investly  arvete müük ja milliseid arveid platvormil müüa saab? Arvete müük aitab ettevõttel […]

Thank you to all our lovely customers!

This morning we received a perfectly normal envelope from Grow's mailbox, which I assumed contained normal bills. But ahhhhhh this surprise, the usual invoices were accompanied by such a nice cover letter - "Have a nice day in the company of Pertti receipts". I felt that the whole room was immediately filled with sunshine. Of course, I immediately shared this sun with all our growitars. Thank you to all our creative customers who shared their joy […]

When do service contracts qualify as board member contracts and employment contracts?

Mida jälgida teenuselepingute klassifitseerimisel töö- ja juhatuse liikme lepinguks: teenuseid osutanud äriühingud väljastavad teenuse saajale arveid iga kuu ja üldjuhul samas suuruses; äriühingud pakuvad kindlal ajavahemikul teenust ainult või valdavas osas ühele teenuse saajale; teenuse saajale tema juhatuse liikmete poolt äriühingute nimel osutatud teenuseks on teenuse saaja nõustamine ülesannetes, mida nad täidavad juhatuse liikmetena; teenuste osutamise […]

A first decision on the establishment of an LLC.

The Supreme Court treated the services and fees provided to the company by the OÜs of the board members as an employment relationship and salary. The decision (3-3-1-25-15) was made on September 11. This is the first OÜ formation case with a final decision, in which the court gave the right to the Tax and Customs Board (MTA). The Supreme Court came to the conclusion that the tax authority has the right to consider the service provision agreement between the company and the private limited company of the member of the management board as either a contract of the board member or [...]

The e-invoice handling fee is 5 times cheaper than a pdf invoice.

Imagine a company that develops world-class high-tech gadgets, but in accounting can only mediate paper or, at best, only pdf invoices. It does not leave the impression of the company as a modern "tech company" if the company's support services remain from the time when "dinosaurs" still lived. In Estonia, it is estimated that only 10% invoices are sent as e-invoices. Although most of the programs used technically allow it. Our practice shows that e-invoices […]

Business in Finland

Grow partner in Finland Rantalainen organizes the "Business in Finland" seminar, which is intended for companies already operating in Finland or those starting out. The seminar will take place on 20.05.2015 at 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Pasila Valo building, 2nd floor, Radiokatu 20, Helsinki. The topics are: establishing a company in Finland; accounting and payroll; auditing and related matters; […]

Grow is a GGI member

Grow joined GGI, a leading global association of accounting and consulting firms. Being a member of a global top ten alliance, we can offer our clients international support in accounting and consulting in different countries. Through GGI, we have access to various specialists in their fields around the world, who can navigate local regulations and offer advice. We have also seen from our previous practice that by sharing our experiences with different [...]

e-cheque brings paperless life

Tšekk on meie igapäevaste tehingute osana üks tüütumaid kaaslasi. Suurepärane lahendus on loodud Kaubamaja grupi püsikliendile mõeldud Partnerkaardi programmis. Logides iseteeninduse portaali, saab kasutaja näha kõigi partnerkaardiga registreeritud ostude dokumente. Elektroonilised tšekid on alla laetavad nii pdf, kui tabelarvutust võimaldavas csv formaadis. Paberivaba arvestuse lisaväärtused Enamus kassast saadud pabertšekid jõuavad kassa taga asuvasse prügikasti. Paberivabal […]

When the cost of a paper invoice exceeds the sales revenue

Postimehes leidis kajastamist Eesti energia poolt postiga saadetud ühesendine arve. Mõistagi kahvatub arve tulu selle loomise ja edastamisega (paber, ümbrik, trükkimine, post) kaasnenud otseste kulude kõrval. Tegemist on ilmeka näitega ajale jalgu jäänud paberdokumendist, kui niisugusest. Ometi jääb arusaamatult sageli paberist loobumine vaid mõtteviisi taha. Esimese katsetusena soovitan proovida rahakoti vahel laiutavatest tšekkidest lahti saamist. […]