Tag Archives: raamatupidamisteenus

Thank you to all our lovely customers!

This morning we received a perfectly normal envelope from Grow's mailbox, which I assumed contained normal bills. But ahhhhhh this surprise, the usual invoices were accompanied by such a nice cover letter - "Have a nice day in the company of Pertti receipts". I felt that the whole room was immediately filled with sunshine. Of course, I immediately shared this sun with all our growitars. Thank you to all our creative customers who shared their joy […]

When do service contracts qualify as board member contracts and employment contracts?

Mida jälgida teenuselepingute klassifitseerimisel töö- ja juhatuse liikme lepinguks: teenuseid osutanud äriühingud väljastavad teenuse saajale arveid iga kuu ja üldjuhul samas suuruses; äriühingud pakuvad kindlal ajavahemikul teenust ainult või valdavas osas ühele teenuse saajale; teenuse saajale tema juhatuse liikmete poolt äriühingute nimel osutatud teenuseks on teenuse saaja nõustamine ülesannetes, mida nad täidavad juhatuse liikmetena; teenuste osutamise […]

A first decision on the establishment of an LLC.

The Supreme Court treated the services and fees provided to the company by the OÜs of the board members as an employment relationship and salary. The decision (3-3-1-25-15) was made on September 11. This is the first OÜ formation case with a final decision, in which the court gave the right to the Tax and Customs Board (MTA). The Supreme Court came to the conclusion that the tax authority has the right to consider the service provision agreement between the company and the private limited company of the member of the management board as either a contract of the board member or [...]