Remote working in cafes, Canaries or wherever you are

I have already tried remote work in coffee shops, in my home at the dining table, on the couch, in bed, in the yard, in the greenhouse.

But why not take advantage of the darkness of our fall and winter and go to work somewhere where there is more light and if you are lucky, you can even enjoy the sun.

Why go to work elsewhere for a change

I felt that in our team, just like in every other decent Estonian, depression sets in in late autumn. However, it is not possible for all employees to go on vacation at the same time. But why not go to work, remote work is already a natural part for many today anyway.

Well, that's how we went to the Canaries. Since we are working with two screens, our biggest challenge was finding the screens, but unfortunately we ran into that. As a workplace, unfortunately, too many open offices are limited only to a desk and a chair, but not screens. In the best "open offices" of this region, there was such a loud thump as if you were in a night club. Since the latter was advertised as the best place for young people to work together, I googled "elderly people open office", but it didn't yield any results :).

This did not become an obstacle for us either. Our hotel had enough nooks and crannies where we could settle in comfortably, and the TV in the room adequately replaced the need for an extra screen.

Something to get used to

If a Nordic person is in the Canaries, it is assumed that you have come here to rest. If you say that you don't go to work and enjoy the sun in the middle of the day, the questioner's eyebrows move to heavenly heights.

In the end, there was already fear, suddenly someone asks: "Who is this crazy boss who tells you to work here in our holiday hotel?" Working interferes with our vacations." But basically we could still take longer breaks in the middle of the day and finish our work in the evening.

I'll be honest, I've actually worked or done something during the so-called vacation before. But when you go to work, it also works differently and better. And this even if the workplace is a hotel.

When I come back, I feel my serotonin and vitamin D levels have increased and my mind is happier. In addition, we had a lot of active discussions, which would not have been possible in the office.

With the positive feedback we received from our week-long remote office, we are better able to support the entire Grow team.

I hope that we will continue to find people in our team who are ready to join our plans and work in an environment that is otherwise reserved for vacationers. Which in itself means that you have to have time for yourself every day. Don't confuse this with a vacation. Vacation is for rest.

Returning to the office, the first person to meet asked, "How was your vacation?"

Ulvi Tallo