Our services
The minimum monthly fee for Grow Finance's accounting services is €39 per month plus VAT. For more information on the packages, click on here.
All questions can be sent by e-mail to info@grow.ee. Grow Finance vastab teile esimesel võimalusel. Soovi korral saate detailsema päringu täita here.
Jah, Grow Finance pakub maksukonsultatsioone, nõustamise tasu on 120€ pluss käibemaks tunnis. Miinimumtasu on 1 tund. Soovi konsultatsioonile ning nõustamissoovi saate saate ka from here.
Raamatupidamisteenus on paberivaba. See tähendab, et kõik raamatupidamisdokumendid saab esitada e-arvetena, pdf-arvetena või pildifailidena. Grow Finance kasutab kõigi ostuarvete, kviitungite ja kuluaruannete haldamiseks kaasaegseid digilahendusi.
Jah, see on võimalik, kuid omate teadmisi raamatupidamisest ja Eesti seadusandlusest. Grow Finance soovitab tungivalt lasta raamatupidamise ja maksuaruandluse teha kogenud raamatupidajatel, et saaksite täielikult keskenduda oma äritegevusele.
Jah, soovi korral on võimalik kogu raamatupidamisele saada ligipääs kaugelt. Teenuse tellimiseks ja koostööks ei ole otseselt vaja kohtuda, kuigi me eelistame tihedama koostöö puhul kindlasti ka füüsilist kohtumist.
Iga kuu alguses tehakse eelmise kalendrikuu tehingute osas teenus. Näiteks kui teie ettevõtte tulud ja kulud tekivad juunis, teostatakse raamatupidamisarvestus ja maksudeklaratsioonid juulis vastavalt kehtestatud ja kokkulepitud tähtaegadele.
VAT information
In Estonia, the compulsory VAT registration threshold from the beginning of the calendar year is EUR 40 000, which applies only to turnover sold to Estonian and EU customers. If your annual taxable turnover is less than €40 000 or your customers are outside the EU, you are not obliged to register for VAT and you do not have to calculate or pay VAT on services provided in Estonia that would otherwise be taxable.
Vabatahtlik registreerimine enne registreerimisläve saavutamist on samuti võimalik. Sel juhul peab Eesti Maksu- ja Tolliametile esitama vastava avalduse..
Käibemaksuseadusest tulenevalt on Eestis käibemaksumäärad 22%, 9%, 5% ja 0%. Teatud sotsiaalset laadi kaupade ja teenuste käive on maksuvaba.
Üksikasjalikku teavet käibemaksu kohta saab lugeda Eesti Maksu- ja Tolliameti lehelt.
Kui müüakse kaupu, deklareeritakse käibemaks Eestis ainult juhul, kui kaubad saadetakse välja Eestist. Juhul, kui teie kaubad ei asu kunagi Eestis, toimub ost/müük mujal ja tehing ei kuulu Eestis käibemaksuga maksustamisele. Näiteks, kui Eesti ettevõte saadab kaupu Hispaaniast Saksamaale, siis müügikäive ei teki Eesti käibemaksureeglite alusel Eestis, vaid Saksamaal. Kaupadega kauplemisel peate registreerima käibemaksu riigis, kus teie kaubad füüsiliselt asuvad.
The whole process is described on the Estonian Tax and Customs Board's website "VAT registration". To get started, you need to submit your VAT registration application online. If the applicant is not a member of the company's board of directors, you will need to obtain authorisation from the board member for the 'Application for VAT registration (VAT registration)'. This is also the case if you want your accountant to do it for you.
Teie koostööpartnerina saame ise kõik vajalikud tegevused tehtud.
Jah, Grow Finance saab koostada ja esitada kohustuslikke maksudeklaratsioone ettevõtetele, kes on sõlminud meiega koostöölepingu.
A VAT taxable person must submit a VAT return every month. If there is no turnover or no reverse chargeable acquisitions in the reporting month, a nil return is submitted. An entrepreneur with employees must submit a monthly declaration of income tax, social tax, unemployment insurance contributions and compulsory funded pension contributions (form TSD).
If the company has no contracted employees, the TSD form only needs to be submitted for months in which profits have been distributed as dividends or other distributions have been made, special benefits have been granted to employees or expenses have been incurred that are not directly related to the company's business (gifts, fines, etc.).
The company is obliged to submit its annual report to the Business Register within 6 months after the end of the financial year.
General residency, or citizenship, applies to natural persons and is determined by a person's passport, while tax residency is determined by the tax laws of different countries. In simple terms, tax residence is the place where a person pays their taxes. A natural person is considered to be resident if he or she stays in the country for at least 183 days in any period of 12 consecutive calendar months. From a company's perspective, tax residence is basically in the country where it is established.
Maksuresidentsus ega e-residentsus ei ole kodakondsus.
It is important to know which country you are resident in to pay taxes in that country. If you live and work in Estonia, you are resident here. There are two ways of paying salaries to board members: first, to register you as an employee with an employment contract, which requires you to pay the minimum wage in Estonia. This does not preclude you from receiving dividends or directors' fees. The second option is to have a contract as a member of the board of directors, which does not have a formal minimum wage or unemployment insurance contributions, which means that there is no unemployment insurance coverage. Dividends cannot be a substitute for formal wages as they are not subject to labour taxes.
- Esimesena on võimalus registreerida teid töölepinguga töötajana. Sel juhul on Eestis vaja maksta miinimumpalka. See ei välista dividendide või juhatuse liikme tasude saamist. Sellisel juhul tuleb maksta, kui töötaja töötab Eestis. Rakenduvad maksud on 20% tulumaks, 33% sotsiaalmaks, 1,6% + 0,8% töötuskindlustusmaks ja 2% kohustusliku kogumispensioni makse.
- The second option is a board member contract. In this case, there is no official minimum wage, no unemployment insurance contribution and therefore no protection against unemployment. A board member can only get Estonian social security if the salary is at least the official minimum wage set in Estonia and it is paid here (Estonian tax residence). It is important to understand that dividends cannot be used as a substitute for the official salary, as dividends are not subject to labour taxes.
If persons employed by an Estonian company under an employment contract are not Estonian residents and live and work abroad, no taxes are declared or paid on their wages in Estonia. Taxation takes place in the country where the work is performed. Remuneration received by a member of the management board who lives and works abroad is taxed in Estonia. If the person submits an A1 certificate, social tax is paid in the country that issued the certificate. There may be a tax risk in Estonia in relation to the remuneration received under the contract of the board member.
Enne dividendide maksmist peab olema sissemakstud ja Eesti Äriregistris registreeritud põhikirja järgne osakapital. Dividendid maksustatakse tulumaksuga 20%. Neljandal aastal pärast dividendide maksmise alustamist on saadaval ka madalam 14% määr. Madalama 14/86 maksumääraga dividendide summa põhineb eelneva kolme aasta keskmisel maksustatud dividendil ja omakapitali jaotusel. Kui madalama määraga dividende jaotatakse eraisikule, rakendub lisaks 7% tulumaksu.
Also, dividends can only be paid on the basis of retained earnings (profit for the previous year), based on the annual accounts for the previous year. Dividends cannot be paid out of the current year's profits.
Dividendide maksuaruandlus esitatakse koos palga- ja sotsiaalmaksudeklaratsiooniga järgneva kuu 10. kuupäevaks pärast väljamakse sooritamist. Tähtaeg on ka tulumaksu maksmise tähtaeg.
Additional information for foreign companies
Before paying any dividends, share capital must be paid in and registered with the Estonian Business Register. Dividends are taxed with 20% of Income Tax (calculated on net amount). There is also a lower rate of 14% which is available on the fourth year after the company has started paying dividends. The amount of dividends at the lower tax rate of 14/86 is based on the average taxed dividend and equity distribution for the previous three years. If the lower rate dividends are distributed to a private person then additional 7% of personal income tax applies.
From 01.01.2025 the income tax rate will be 22% and the lower rate of 14% will not be applied any more.
Also, dividends can only be paid from retained earnings (previous year’s profits) based on the Annual Report submitted for the previous year. It is not allowed to pay dividends on current year’s profits.
Tax reporting for dividends is submitted with wages and social tax declaration for the 10th date of the following month after the payment. The due date is also the term for the income tax payment.
Firstly, you need to make a payment from personal account to company’s account with description “share capital payment.” For this payment, you need your bank to provide digitally signed confirmation. Bank will send you the document on the request.
Secondly, application to Estonian Business Register needs to be submitted to change company’s details along with proof of payment from bank.
Thirdly, application to Estonian Business Register to change statutes (includes shareholder’s decision) needs to be submitted.
Grow Finance can process the second and third step for you for service fee of €100 plus VAT.
Estonian Commercial Code Act § 159 and 281 set out that Private Limited Companies and Limited Companies are not allowed to lend money to their shareholders whose share is bigger than 5% of share capital in Private Limited Company or bigger than 1% in Limited Company. Similar restriction for loan applies to company's parent company's shareholder or other members. Also, it is not allowed to give a loan to a company's member of the board or procurator.
There is exception where subsidiary is allowed to give loan to parent company or parent company’s shareholder or board member if this does not damage financial position of the company or interests of the creditor.
The labour taxes on salary are paid in the country where the work is done.
The income tax for the board member fees is paid to the country, where the company has been registered, but the labour taxes to the country, where the person´s social insurance lies (usually it´s the person´s country of residence and it´s the same in all of the EU countries). If the person moves to Estonia, the labour tax is also paid to Estonia (also called social tax in Estonia).
The system of corporate earnings taxation in force currently in Estonia shifts the moment of corporate taxation from the moment of earning the profits to the moment of their distribution. Annual profit earned by companies is not taxed in Estonia. Income tax is paid on dividends and costs not directly related to a company’s business activity, such as fringe benefits, gifts, donations and other non-business related disbursements and also adjustments of the transfer price. So, profit earned and reinvested in a company’s business activity is not taxed. Hence, there is no obligation to submit a tax return annually, regardless of profits or losses. Income tax is assessed monthly, thus taxable amount is declared monthly.