While your business grows, we take care of our accounting and financial management.


Our accountants take care of your finances, allowing your business to focus on your core business.


Payroll is a seamless process that plays an important role in the running of a business and ensures employee satisfaction.

Business Analytics

The possibility to interact with our analysts at any moment and solve your queries effortlessly in just a few moments.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) service

Traditionally, full-time internal CFOs have been the first choice for financial management. But times are changing.

Raising capital

Capital can take the form of shares, bonds or convertible instruments with both bond and equity options. 

Tax advice

Paying taxes is a natural part of any business. Paying taxes correctly and optimally is key to the success of a business.

Why is Grow special?

Grow helps businesses grow by providing marketing, analytics and customer relationship tools to find new and retain existing customers.

01 We take your needs into account

We map the current accounting situation and create an accounting plan according to your needs.

02Pakume teenuseid Balti riikides ja Soomes

Meie tiimis on üle 50 võimeka spetsialisti, kes kõik on pikaajalise kogemusega ning pakuvad tippklassi rahvusvahelisi teenuseid.

03We are innovative

Grow was the first 100% paperless accounting firm in Estonia. We have a working e-invoicing system and a parallel digital archive.

04Grow makes your business grow

By working together, you get only what you want and the freedom to focus on your core business.

Why have 800 companies chosen Grow?

Quality service

The quality of our financial services is always uncompromising, whatever the sector or size of your business.

Individual approach

Grow's accountants are familiar with nearly 20 different programmes and bring all their expertise to our smallest clients.

Ask a Grow financial expert for more information