When will artificial intelligence, or AI, take over accounting?
Will AI take over accounting? Artificial intelligence is working wonders with numbers, but does that mean accountants [...]
Digital solutions are not a luxury, but an essential part of management
Grow Finance offers data-driven and automated financial management, helping clients make strategic decisions.
Experience story: Internship as a financial analyst at Grow
Read about the experience and feedback Sixten gave during her financial analyst internship at Grow Finance.
Change in audit and review thresholds for the 2024 annual report
The increase in audit and inspection thresholds that will come into effect in 2025 requires companies to prepare in a timely manner.
Summary of new tax rates and changes to tax-free thresholds coming into effect in Estonia in 2025
In 2025, several taxes and excise rates will increase in Estonia, affecting both individuals and companies.
What does an Estonian company need to know if the place of service provision is Finland?
When providing services in Finland, an Estonian company must take into account tax agreements, registration obligations and possible requirements for a permanent place of business.
Security tax 2025-2028
The security tax increases VAT and adds 2% income tax to individuals and corporate profits to increase the state's [...]
Myth - the accountant is infallible
What is the human and artificial intelligence error rate in accounting?
Amendments to the VAT Act 2025
Next year, entrepreneurs will face several changes to the VAT Act. Read more about which ones.
Car tax 2025 - what do companies and individuals need to know?
From January 1, 2025, a new car tax will apply in Estonia. This will lead to significant changes both [...]
How to choose the best payroll service provider?
Large-scale payroll involves various aspects that require knowledge of the law, technical competence and constant availability.
Where is AI taking payroll?
At Grow, we see that the arrival of AI will soon usher in a new era where payroll management is [...]
When should a company consider hiring a CFO?
When should you consider involving a CFO and why buying in as a service is a smarter choice than [...]
It's the last time to get e-invoicing up and running and work smart
Find out why it's high time to start e-invoicing and what the benefits are.
VAT rate change as from 01.01.2024
Update your knowledge on the major changes to the VAT rate from 01.01.2024.
How to protect your business accounts from fraud: 5 essential tips
Is your company investing enough in cyber security?
Why choose accountancy firms!
Why outsource accounting services to an accounting firm?
Planned tax changes in Estonia in 2023-2025
An overview of tax changes planned in Estonia between 2023 and 2025.
Profit distribution and taxation of dividends
The distribution of profits and the payment of dividends is an important part of corporate financial management.
4 reasons why all businesses should switch to e-invoicing
E-invoicing is convenient and makes the accountant's job easier. Read the blog on why you should switch to e-invoices.
Business analytics for business
With business analytics, you'll understand your business, identify bottlenecks and make smarter, data-driven decisions.
How to finance your business?
In order to raise capital, you need to understand the specificities of the different types of capital in order to find the most appropriate one.
The ideal accountant today
What skills does the modern manager expect from today's accountant?
Business costs
Business expenses are one of the biggest costs for any company, but questions still arise about how to tax them.
Payroll - trust a professional
Payroll is one of the most important processes in the running of a business, ensuring that employees receive timely and fair [...]
The programme does not replace people: why do accountants not disappear but go up in price?
In the Labour Force Survey, experts predicted that accounting skills will become more necessary in the future.
Paperless bookkeeping is elementary, but why leave PDF behind?
When people talk about "green accounting", they are referring to paper, which can be replaced by digital documents.
Ulvi Tallo and Helari Pallas: one plus one now equals four
The merger agreement between Grow Finance and Pallas & Partners has been signed. Let's talk about the nature of the modern accountant's job.
What should you keep in mind when preparing your company's annual report?
The deadline for drawing up the annual report is approaching. What to look out for and how to prepare your report?
How will OSS and IOSS change taxpayers' lives?
From 1 July, cross-border e-commerce and services will be taxed in a new way in the European Union.
Remote working in cafes, Canaries or wherever you are
I've already tried telecommuting in cafés, at my home, at the dinner table, on the sofa, in bed, in the garden, in the greenhouse.
Comic sections in the Income Tax Act
You own your own business and are about to close your first big deals. There is no smart office yet [...]
Joining an accountancy office
I've been in finance my whole working life. The last few years have been spent more as an entrepreneur and manager [...]
Accounting software recommendation
Anna-Liisa, Kirsika and Liina share their choices for accounting software. Grow has been tested by the majority of [...]
Home Office
What did I discover working in my home office? I'm telling my story from my home office or Ulvi's home aquarium. Grow office has been [...]
E-invoicing helps businesses "bring money home" faster
E-invoicing helps to speed up invoicing processes and thus bring money "home" faster E-invoicing is like knowing [...]
Payment of holiday pay, no reasonableness involved
Whose interests are served by paying holiday pay before the holiday? Holiday pay is paid in full no later than the penultimate working day [...]
What is EBITDA and what is it used for?
Anyone involved in business or finance has probably heard of EBITDA. What exactly is [...]
Why should you give up the idea of hiring an accountant?
When it comes to organising accounting, it's as if it's a perennial dilemma that is debated year after year: whether to buy [...]
New dividend tax regime creates accounting headaches
The new taxation of dividends has brought new accounting challenges. From this year onwards, the taxation of dividends [...]
What you need to know about dividends
Dividends can only be paid out of a company's profits from previous years if the annual accounts [...]
A good accountant is a dwarf, a Satan and a parrot in one.
Grow Finance partner Anna-Liisa Orglaane's recommendations on what a truly great accountant should be. A good accountant [...]
Declaration of income earned in virtual currency
Income earned in virtual currencies, including bitcoin (gains from the transfer of assets, salary income, business income), will be taxed on similar principles as [...] [...]