A good accountant also acts as a financial adviser

What should company managers think about when choosing an accountant or purchasing an accounting service? It's about how to get the highest possible revenue from the service for the company. We've previously covered the benefits of outsourcing accounting as a service over hiring one specific person, but it's not limited to that. We mentioned the word "financial advisor" in the title. Just this additional value the company manager could get from his accountant or service provider. By working with the company's indicators, a good accountant will definitely have an overview of the company's performance in general. A formula should apply here accountant + entrepreneur = success story!

A financial advisor as the right hand of a company manager

There is undeniably a difference between an accountant and an accountant. There are those who simply perform their duties at the minimum level, as well as those who want to go beyond that. If you, as an accountant, feel that you want to advance in your career, then one possibility is to acquire the skills of a financial advisor or consultant. One way to do this is to immediately start working in this field based on the knowledge gained at the relevant university. However, another option, which is often perhaps even a better option, is to undertake the work of a financial advisor after a previous career as an accountant - it is the practical experience that gives the advantage right in front of the person coming from the school desk. In order to start moving in that direction, you could start with, for example, the following:
  • feel interested – analyze the bill, suggest ways to improve results, point out bottlenecks (in other words, make yourself indispensable);
  • think outside the box – don't let yourself be limited by normal expectations and focus on what could distinguish you from the "average" accountant;
  • articulate your vision – so it is clearer where you are moving, and you can sometimes stop and analyze your progress with a financial advisor;
  • keep studying – professions in the financial field are characterized by constant changes in the surrounding environment; in addition to being familiar with your field, it is also worth keeping an eye on the adjacent specialties, where you can add something to your "package" of services.

Can the financial advisory service also be outsourced?

Of course! One of the wishes of the accounting office Grow is to give managers a clear and quick overview of things. Offered by us financial analysis service focuses only on the most important, and thus it is possible to summarize the information that is interesting to a particular manager on just one page. Such a precisely targeted service simplifies the making of many decisions. If you feel like this is something you've been missing for a long time, contact us on 5629 3090 or email info@grow.ee. We give you advice on how to better plan your company's activities.