We are using Envoice to receive invoices from clients which simplifies the communication between the accountant and the client.
Once you have received an invitation link from Envoice for access to your Company's account, we kindly ask you to accept it.
Does your company have a special e-mail address where you receive all your invoices (such as invoice@yourcompanyname.ee etc.)? If you do, please direct this e-mail to the special Envoice's address that we will send you after the onboarding process is done. In case you don't have this kind of an address we'd suggest creating one. In the future it gives an opportunity to redirect the invoices traffic without a need to inform your suppliers.
To be able to forward and receive e-invoices the board member needs to go and activate e-invoicing functions in Invoice site. Please see the instructions here
General video introduction for Invoice:
All the supporting documents in English can be found here: https://support.envoice.eu/hc/en- faith
Two of the most important guides are:
- Adding purchase invoices manually (it's preferred to send by email) – https://support.envoice.eu/hc/en-us/articles/360016416894-How-can-I- upload-invoices-from-my-computer-
- Creating sales invoice – https://support.envoice.eu/hc/en- us/articles/360009332173-How-to-create-sales-invoice-
Very convenient way for submission of cash and card expenses is Invoice's mobile app (for Android or iOS devices): https://support.envoice.eu/hc/en-us/articles/360016416374-How- to-create-a-report-in-mobile-app-
Instruction about the expenses module https://support.envoice.eu/hc/en- us/sections/360001662634-Expenses-Travel
Now you could add all your invoices directly to Invoice.
How to send your company's invoices to the accountant?
There are basically three options:
- using the mobile app for cash and card payments (receipts);
- adding the invoices manually to the purchase module;
- sending invoices to the special e-mail address for your company.
The special e-mail address for your company is above.
Invoice accepts the invoices only in pdf or picture (jpg, png) format.
Hopefully you will find the information helpful and if you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask.