Kas AI võtab raamatupidamise üle? Tehisintellekt teeb imesid numbritega, aga kas see tähendab, et raamatupidajad jäävad üle?
Category Archives: Raamatupidamine
Grow Finance offers data-driven and automated financial management, helping clients make strategic decisions.
The increase in audit and inspection thresholds that will come into effect in 2025 requires companies to prepare in a timely manner.
What is the human and artificial intelligence error rate in accounting?
Next year, entrepreneurs will face several changes to the VAT Act. Read more about which ones.
Large-scale payroll involves various aspects that require knowledge of the law, technical competence and constant availability.
At Grow, we see that the arrival of AI will soon usher in a new era of simplified and accurate payroll management.
Find out why it's high time to start e-invoicing and what the benefits are.
Is your company investing enough in cyber security?
Why outsource accounting services to an accounting firm?
The distribution of profits and the payment of dividends is an important part of corporate financial management.
E-invoicing is convenient and makes the accountant's job easier. Read the blog on why you should switch to e-invoices.
What skills does the modern manager expect from today's accountant?
Business expenses are one of the biggest costs for any company, but questions still arise about how to tax them.
Palgaarvestus on ettevõtte toimimisel üks olulisemaid protsesse, millest tulenevalt saavad töötajad õigeaegselt ja õiglaselt tasustatud. Palgaarvestus on üsna kulukas, kuna nõuab nii tööaega, töötaja panust ning kindlasti ei tohi puududa ka kaasaegne palgaarvestus programm. Mis teeb aga palgaarvestuse äärmiselt oluliseks ning miks pole teenus asendatav pelgalt palgakalkulaatoriga? Palgaarvestus tugineb seadusele Palgaarvestus tugineb seadusele, milles […]
In the Labour Force Survey, experts predicted that accounting skills will become more necessary in the future.